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Will PCLOS DE be seeking a separate identity in places such as DW?


Posts : 12
Join date : 2024-05-12

Will PCLOS DE be seeking a separate identity in places such as DW? Empty Will PCLOS DE be seeking a separate identity in places such as DW?

Post by Nish 26th May 2024, 4:18 pm

Hi - hope this is a good place to post this. Feel free to move it or delete it or whatever.

Just puttering around distrowatch (looking for my next plaything) and was wondering if you will be seeking to have your own identity on sites such as that. As far as DW I know the owner announced they are working on updating the coding of the site and there might be slowdown in reviewing applications for "new" distros. It got me wondering how you all are going to handle your "public" profile.  Not sure if you want publicity or not?

Are you looking to draw in brand new users or more interested in word-of-mouth from folks who have been using PCLOS original and want to branch out? Are you a flavor, a branch or a derivative of PCLOS original?

You have what I suppose would be called your mission statement on the main page and we have the forum here now. So are you just looking for old timers like me and not going to be seeking out new blood (so to speak) for the time being?
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