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Posts : 15
Join date : 2024-05-12

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Post by Admin 12th May 2024, 1:22 pm

Have something nice to say about PCLinuxOS Debian, do it here.

Posts : 12
Join date : 2024-05-12

Testimonials Empty PCLOS DE KDE now installed - quite uneventful

Post by Nish 22nd May 2024, 11:19 am

Well now I have the stability of bookworm and KDE safe from major upheaval.

Actually I was planning to overwrite the PCLOS DE cinnamon on my external with this Plasma version.  But I knew my SID was gonna bomb out on an update sooner or later.  And it did this morning - I had a big update the other day that went through surprisingly well but I knew it was only a matter of time before another breaks KDE. I was lucky for long Sid and I go way way back.  I finally let in a flood of pkgs and saw it was going to remove KDE but I let it go ahead anyway for chuckles and yeah, bye bye KDE.

So I put PCLOS DE plasma where Sid (now borked) was on the internal. Result: I have one PCLOS DE internal and cinnamon external. Is that double the future-proofing?

I do have to ask since the mission of your version is to be more cutting edge - will my old laptop be inadequate as you guys move ahead? 8 year old Dell i3 8th gen.  I have run one of the newest Neon's with plasma6 and didn't have a problem even on this old machine. I didn't bother installing it since the amount of updating is more than my guest wifi connection can handle.

Hope I can hang in there with you all as you continue your development Cool before old lappy here gets lost in the dust. Thanks for always being there I love you

Testimonials Empty greet & thanks!

Post by aye 18th June 2024, 8:59 am

really happy with deb version, espescially the combination of plasma+deb+withoutSystemD. This version give me another breath to tackle with current modern and modernized LINUX world. As a human being, "option" is a part of live and very important to keep with, I guess.
so far, my old computer is very happy with it and works well. Previously, my old geezer computer cried alot when systemD appeared for the first time on terminal--when updating,....and it cried more and more when plasma6+wayland appeared..sigh......(the plasma6 itself is no problem for me, it is the wayland instead)

to conclude:
I really have a problem with systemD and wayland.

thanks Devs and Kudos!

Posts : 17
Join date : 2024-05-29
Location : Atlanta Georgia CSA

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Post by Bill_G 18th June 2024, 2:12 pm

I have had no issues with it. All issues were not distro related, but were caused by other things. Whereas, I've had so much trouble with Ubuntu related distros, that I have been reluctant to try other things, until lately.

Testimonials Empty relpied to Bill

Post by aye 18th June 2024, 6:20 pm

glad to hear that!
yeah, the most of it not from distro itself.
as the matter of lives, how our own system combine with our own--unique hardware could potentialy procure some "default" issues here and there.
as example, when wayland "forced" as the main server for the first time, I have to manually thinkering the sddm--back then-- to be able to have a switch of graphic server manager. For just the end user, the problem like this is really not good.

as my slogan soaring:
'just give "Us" the option to choose and we would happy enough with it.'

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