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Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup.


Posts : 72
Join date : 2024-05-14

Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup. Empty Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup.

Post by davecs 10th June 2024, 5:29 pm

Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup. Img_2010

In an attempt to resolve some other problems with the Cinnamon desktop, I re-installed the PCLOS-Cinnamon iso dated 7 June 2024. I added my own login as administrator. I added two further logins as standard user. When I try to log in to one of those users, I get the above dialog box on the screen, as well as the one about clipit being replaced. I don't see the point of the clipit one, the hows and whys of the new clipboard app can be explained in the  manual, but at least it only comes up once. But the dialog box above comes up every time. It does clear itself after a long wait, but why is this happening? If I make this desktop available for my wife, it's going to freak her out. She's a bit luddite anyway, this would totally throw her.

Just to make sure that it wasn't happening because I was using home setups that I had used before, which were incompatible with changes in the program, I deleted the users, ensuring that the home setups were cleaned out, and created them again.

Posts : 45
Join date : 2024-05-12
Location : Finland

Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup. Empty Re: Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup.

Post by nobody 11th June 2024, 1:01 pm

Just googling:


Just for everyone interested, I solved it by adding those users to the groups bluetooth and netdev. I guess it doesn't bring any security issues

sudo usermod -a -G bluetooth <user>
sudo usermod -a -G netdev <user>

Posts : 72
Join date : 2024-05-14

Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup. Empty Re: Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup.

Post by davecs 11th June 2024, 6:17 pm

nobody wrote:Just googling:


Just for everyone interested, I solved it by adding those users to the groups bluetooth and netdev. I guess it doesn't bring any security issues

sudo usermod -a -G bluetooth <user>
sudo usermod -a -G netdev <user>

Didn't work Maybe the groups have been set up differently in Ubuntu. I tried using usermod in a root terminal after I'd tried using the Cinnamon settings app to add the users to the groups. Very strange. yesterday but works today!!

Last edited by davecs on 12th June 2024, 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 45
Join date : 2024-05-12
Location : Finland

Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup. Empty Re: Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup.

Post by nobody 12th June 2024, 5:08 am

What are your groups?


Posts : 72
Join date : 2024-05-14

Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup. Empty Re: Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup.

Post by davecs 12th June 2024, 3:58 pm

Seems to be working now. One thing though, is that if you add new users through the Cinnamon settings centre, the only "group" they are allocated to is "users", and the startup error occurs. Is "users" supposed to include all groups that allow all non-admin user desktops to work properly?

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Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup. Empty Re: Non-admin users getting request for admin password on startup.

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