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What is the Difference?


What is the Difference? Empty What is the Difference?

Post by Magical 29th May 2024, 6:26 am

I was over in the 'original' pclos forums last night looking for answers why my hard drive is hard to boot into, and I ran across a poster who had this website under his username, so I decided to check it out.

That out of the way...What is the difference between "this" plasma download and the plasma download over at the 'original' PCLinuxOS(DOT)com website?

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Join date : 2024-05-13
Age : 68
Location : Germany

What is the Difference? Empty Re: What is the Difference?

Post by tbs 29th May 2024, 6:45 am

Magical wrote:
That out of the way…What is the difference between “this” plasma download and the plasma download over at the 'original' PCLinuxOS(DOT)com website?

Plasma libraries, applications, etc., are compiled and supplied by the Debian packagers. There may be a slightly different set of available desktop widgets, some programs may have been compiled with slightly different parameters. A simple example is KPat, which has some additional games.

I always say “slightly”, because you can almost completely mimic your 'original' desktop here. I always have mine running with Wayland, which is snappier, and for the applications I use, there's hardly any difference.

The main difference here is outside of KDE Plasma, as in the group of PCLinuxOS-specific applications, which affect the OS overall.
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