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    Usage Rules PLEASE READ


    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2024-05-12

    Usage Rules PLEASE READ Empty Usage Rules PLEASE READ

    Post by Admin 12th May 2024, 1:44 pm

    Greetings and Salutations!

    You have chosen what we here consider PClinuxOS Debian Edition.
    We do ask that you take time to read the  rules of the forum presented right here for convenience.
    Admin wrote:Revised 12th May 2024

    1. SEARCH before asking a question or posting a topic , as it may already exist.

    2. Check the forums for answers to your questions.

    3. When posting, choose the most appropriate area, to ensure it gets the most coverage by the right users

    4. Choose an appropriate subject line. not just "Help Me!" or "I did something wrong" give a clue to the issue at hand

    5. Be verbose with your issue, include what the issue is, hardware info , not stories of what you think you may have done...

    6. Keep all HELP posts ON-TOPIC. This is IMPORTANT! if you have a different issue then make a new topic.

    7. Make sure you have read the parent post completely before posting a reply.

    8. Do not cross-post the same question to multiple places.

    9. Mark threads SOLVED when the issue is Solved (ie add the word SOLVED to the beginning of the Subject line of your original post)

    10. DO NOT discuss anything about the unstable directories on the forums. The forums are for support of the stable directories ONLY.

    11. Refrain from discussing politics or religion. This is a global community, discussions on these subjects is sure to cause the start of a flame war and a disruption of the forums. Strictly Forbidden! (this includes signature's advocating such)

    12. Refrain from using coarse/insulting/vulgar language. This is a PG-13 rated site!

    13. Report to Moderator If you view a post you perceive to be a violation of the forum rules please click the "report to moderator" button and include a short note about what the issue is. Do Not get involved, be part of the solution, not the problem.

    14. We have a strong policy of not discussing the promotion of nor the dismissal of other distros, postings that do this will be removed, there may be occasions where distros are discussed in a neutral way, these posts will be generally covered by a common-sense exception to allow their being, otherwise they will be removed.

    15. Keep all commentary civil, and be courteous at all times. You may disagree strongly with an opinion someone has.  Disagree with the opinion, not the person. If you always use good manners and are polite to other people, your visits to the forum will be beneficial for all.
    If one or more of your posts have been removed, please do not post about it within the forum (this will get you a bad reputation internally and if it happens an enforced 'time-out'), instead ask one of the moderators or administrators to clarify the reason for its removal, should you not be happy with the answer then speak to one other moderator/administrator (and only one) we will then discuss and come back with a decision that the forum team will abide by.
    Arguments with, or insults directed towards, the site administrators or moderators, or negative criticism of how we run this forum, will not be tolerated.

    16. Thank those who help you. Acknowledgment of a helpful suggestion not only placates those who helped you, it may also help others with a similar problem.

    17. Use mixed case. UPPER CASE LOOKS AS IF YOU ARE SHOUTING, and it is considered to be offensive.

    18. No advertising or spam.

    19. Do not astroturf or pretend to be/represent somebody else.

    20. Use your own words. If you wish to use the words of somebody else, quote them, citing the source. Plagiarism is unethical, and is illegal in many countries.

    21. Do not discuss illegal activities. Our server is hosted in the USA and so is subject to US law. Please do not expose PCLinuxOS Debian to any unnecessary legal liability.

    22. Do not make geographical assumptions. Our user base is globally distributed. Do not assume that other users reside in or are knowledgeable about your country/region. In particular, references to landmarks, cities or states/provinces without mention of the country will likely render your message incomprehensible to many users.

    23. Have Patience, be polite and DONT PANIC

    24. Software Addition Requests are discouraged. If you happen to find an interesting desktop application you can post in the request section of the forum.This does not mean that the request will be added.
    25. Read THIS >>> How To Keep Your System In Good Order

    26. PCLinuxOS Debian does not accept or consider unsolicited ideas, including ideas for new advertising campaigns, new promotions, new products or technologies, processes, materials, marketing plans or new product names. Please do not send any original creative artwork, samples, demos or other works. The sole purpose of this policy is to avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes when PCLinuxOS Debian products or marketing strategies might seem similar to ideas submitted to PCLinuxOS Debian.

    Failure to abide by these rules may result in an editing, negative moderation or deletion of your post. PCLinuxOS Debian reserves the right to ban abusers from the site and possibly seek legal action against them.

    Please PM us if you have any questions, concerns or recommendations regarding our Posting Policy.

      Current date/time is 29th June 2024, 8:18 am